Feb 26, 2010
Feb 23, 2010
nEW hOLE video by tRAVIs seHORn
New Hole by Travis Sehorn from Russel Albert Daniels on Vimeo.
Travis Sehorn and I shot this short video February 22, 2009. We had it edited by 3 am the next morning.
New Hole by Travis Sehorn
Video by Russel A. Daniels
Shot in the Mission, San Francisco
February 2010
Song from limited edition album New Hole 2010
Feb 10, 2010
Fresno Gang: The Bulldogs
Feb 9, 2010
Public Display of Affection
These photos are from my Latter Day Saint General Conference series taken in the fall and spring of 2004 & 2005. This selection of 5 is for the PDA exhibit in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Feb 8, 2010
Invisible City - Nashville, TN - January 2010
Invisible City Winter — Nashville, TN — January 2010 from Russel Albert Daniels on Vimeo.
Every day, thousands of people drive over Nashville’s tent city, where about a hundred homeless people live in makeshift shelters underneath a busy overpass. This shantytown is largely hidden from city residents, nestled between thick brush, railroad tracks, the Cumberland River and municipal garages.
But despite being invisible to the outside, some of the residents are people like you and me.
More crowded since the recession hit, and part of a larger cropping up of tent cities nationwide, Nashville’s tent city provides temporary shelter, and in some cases a long-term home. Two summers ago eviction notices went up, but were soon suspended by Nashville Mayor Karl Dean, who said housing for the homeless should be found first. Its now winter of 2010 and very few homes have been found.